The Multistate Tax Commission announced that it is working with 13 states to implement a sales tax amnesty program aimed at getting online retailers to register and file sales tax returns. The main benefit of the amnesty program is that sellers will not be required to report prior period sales, nor be required to pay penalties or interest on any back taxes owed. As of today, participating states include: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Nebraska, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and Vermont. Eight additional states are considering participation but have not committed, and it is not clear whether
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Monthly Archives August 2017
Wondering About a 1031 Exchange
Perhaps you’ve heard of 1031 exchanges or like-kind exchanges, but you’re unsure of the benefits or whether you even qualify. The Internal Revenue Code 1031 is available to those who hold a property that qualifies as productive use in business or investments. If you have a piece of investment property, a 1031 exchange allows you to swap it for a similar property. What is a 1031 exchange? This type of exchange happens when an investor trades his or her real property for a similar or “like-kind” property. Investment properties such as shopping malls, residential buildings, stadiums and more can all
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