Archives for Industry News

2022 Payroll Tax & Auto Mileage Rate Changes

By Bonnie Thompson Beginning January 1, 2022 the following changes go into effect for the withholding of payroll taxes and reimbursement of auto mileage.   SOCIAL SECURITY The wage base for withholding social security tax has increased to $147,000. The social security tax rate will be 6.2% for both employers and employees for a maximum expense of $9114.00  For Medicare, the rate is still 1.45% each for employers and employees with no limit this year. Continuing in 2022, employees earning in excess of $200,000 will be subject to a mandatory additional 0.9% medicare tax withholding regardless of their individual tax
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Categories: Industry News and Newsletter and Updates.

WFY Sponsors OCBJ’s Family-Owned Business Awards

On Thursday, August 26th, Wright Ford Young & Co. was a platinum sponsor at the Family-Owned Business Awards by Orange County Business Journal (OCBJ). The luncheon honored all the nominees and winners to celebrate and recognize family-owned businesses in Orange County. OCBJ hosted an eventful luncheon starting with drinks and appetizers in the VIP reception area. Shortly after, all attendees moved to the ballroom where they were seated for lunch and the awards ceremony.  The ceremony included presenter CEO of OCBJ Richard Reisman, keynote speakers Igor Olenicoff & Natalia Ostensen from Olen Properties, and the presenters of the individual awards.
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Categories: Company News, Industry News, and Newsletter and Updates.

New Law Tax Workaround for CA Pass-Through Business Owners

Richard A. Huffman, CPA, MST Tax Partner   The 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act limits individuals state and local tax deduction to $10,000 a year through 2025. California passed into law a workaround for tax years 2021- 2025. Qualifying pass-through business owners can separately elect to pay a 9.3% entity level tax on the owner’s share of the company’s qualified taxable income which will be allowed as a federal tax deduction on the entity return. Owners who participate will receive a credit on their California individual tax return equal to the 9.3% tax paid at the entity level.  The
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Categories: Industry News and Newsletter and Updates.

Tax Update on Business Meals Being 100% Deductible in 2021

Angela Tang, CPA Estate & Trust Supervisor   The cost of business meals were considered a deductible expense since 1986, the problem is only 50% of such costs were allowed as a deduction until now.  The latest 2020 stimulus bill saw many changes and one of the which is the business meal deduction.  A temporary exception for 2021-2022 is the 100% business meal deduction for meals “provided by a restaurant.”  The government is attempting to help the restaurant industry impacted by the Covid-19 shutdown by intentionally incentivizing business owners to patronize restaurants. In order to qualify for the business meal
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Categories: Industry News and Newsletter and Updates.

WFY Partners Jeff Myers & Cyndi LeBerthon Host Upcoming Webinar

Our WFY Partners Jeff Myers, CPA, and Cyndi LeBerthon, CPA, will be presenting at MGI’s Efficiently Conducting Employee Benefit Plan Audits on June 23, 2021. If you’re looking to learn what’s new and what peer reviewers are looking for when they review employee benefit plan audits, this webinar is for you. Jeff and Cyndi will go in-depth with important topics on employee benefit plan audits. They will also cover other topics like common deficiencies and tips on working in a remote environment while performing employee benefit plan audits. Jeff Myers is WFY’s Managing Partner and oversees the audit department as
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Categories: Company News, Industry News, and Newsletter and Updates.

Is Your Company Eligible for the Employee Retention Tax Credit?

Richard A. Huffman, CPA, MST Tax Partner By retaining employees during the pandemic, your company may be eligible for a payroll tax credit of up to $5,000 per employee in 2020 and $28,000 per employee in 2021. The employee retention tax credit (ERTC) is a fully refundable payroll tax credit for employers who meet certain requirements that is based on qualified wages paid between March 13, 2020 to December 31, 2021. The qualifications and credit thresholds are segmented into two time frames, March 13, 2020 to December 31, 2020 and January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021. The two separate
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Categories: Industry News and Newsletter and Updates.

AI in Auditing

By Carissa DeLuca, CPA, CFE Audit Manager   For several years now we’ve been hearing about how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the future of seemingly just about every industry.  Industries from healthcare to banking have started to uncover the benefits of using AI. The accounting profession is no different and is starting to adapt AI in many service areas. The Wright Ford Young & Co. audit team has taken a dive into the use of AI with some of our 2020 audit engagements.  We have a selected a program that will enhance our review of our clients’ general ledgers and
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Categories: Company News, Industry News, and Newsletter and Updates.

Employers with Over 50 Employees Must Register with CalSavers by June 30

By June 30, 2021, nonexempt employers with more than 50 California W-2 employees must register with the CalSavers program. For exempt employers, if you’ve already offered a retirement plan, you do not have to participate in the program, but you still must register as “exempt” on the CalSavers website. Nonprofit organizations must register with CalSavers as well (if not exempt), but religious organizations are exempt from the registration requirements. How to Register for CalSavers Program For registering, employers will be notified via letter of their requirement to register with the CalSavers program. An access code will be given to them
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Categories: Industry News and Newsletter and Updates.

Significant Tax Provisions from Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act

Richard A. Huffman, CPA, MST Tax Partner   The American Rescue Plan Act signed into law by President Biden includes the following significant tax provisions: Business tax provisions: Family and sick leave credits – Extends tax credits through 9/30/21. Employee retention credit – Extended through 12/31/21, program criteria as follows: To qualify experienced a full or partial suspension of business operations due to COVID-19 governmental orders or incurred at least 20% decline in quarterly gross receipts as compared to the 2019 year quarter. Main benefits for employers with up to 500 full-time employees (limited benefits for employers with more than
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Categories: Industry News and Newsletter and Updates.

CA Lawmakers Reach COVID Relief Deal Including Partial PPP Conformity

Richard A. Huffman, CPA, MST Tax Partner   The long awaited recently announced California pandemic relief package includes the following benefit highlights for businesses and individuals: California partial conformity to federal tax treatment of Paycheck Protection Plan loans allowing companies to deduct up to $150,000 in expenses covered by the PPP loan (including Economic Injury Disaster Loan grants). Increase the funds available for the small business and nonprofit grant program (2018 or 2019 gross revenues less than $2.5M) from $500 million to more then $2 billion.  Information regarding this grant program can be found at the following link: Two
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Categories: Industry News and Newsletter and Updates.