Wright Ford Young & Co. is seeking qualified candidates to join our growing team! We are hiring hard-working, dedicated people who are willing to learn and flourish in their careers. Full-time positions are available for the following departments: Tax Department Staff Preparer Estates & Trusts Department Senior Supervisor Manager Audit Department Staff If interested in any of the positions above, please go to our Careers page or directly contact the following: Tax Department: Richard Huffman, rhuffman@cpa-wfy.com Estates & Trusts Department: Marisa Alvarado, malvarado@cpa-wfy.com Audit Department: Jeff Myers, jmyers@cpa-wfy.com
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Archives for department
WFY Continues to Grow Firm with New Hires
Wright Ford Young continues to grow the firm with four new hires: Marisa Alvarado, Nicholas Valdez, Collin Sidler, and Cameron Bauer. Marisa and Nicholas are the newest additions to WFY’s Estates & Trusts Department while Collin and Cameron are the newest additions to the Audit Department. WFY is pleased to welcome these new hires to the WFY team. Marisa Alvarado Wright For Young & Co. welcomed Marisa Alvarado as its Estates & Trusts Tax Partner in June. Marisa has over 30 years of experience in public accounting with the last 20 years in High Net Worth Advanced Estate Planning. She has worked
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